Other DMP courses

Other Courses

Manual Handling

This course identifies the risks and helps to prevent injuries in the workplace.

Manual Handling refers to lifting, carrying loads, pushing, pulling and lowering. Although they may vary, manual handling activities within the workplace need to be managed correctly. If they are not managed correctly then they can cause injuries by putting a strain on the muscles, limbs, tendons, heart and most commonly the back.

This course covers:

  • The fundamentals of manual handling
  • The importance of following correct procedure
  • The anatomy of the spine and human movement
  • Risk assessments
  • Capacities
  • Correct manual handling techniques
  • Pushing and pulling techniques and risks (if applicable)
  • Manual handling of pallets

The courses listed below are delivered at customer premises


Our banksman training courses teach delegates how to find the safest way to reverse vehicles in confined spaces. Where danger areas are and how to guide large vehicles, using signals, whilst manoeuvring.

This course is designed for those who have the responsibility for manoeuvring vehicles on, off and within busy sites or premises.

What will delegates get from the course?

This course teaches delegates to recognise the importance of accepting vehicles in a safe and efficient manner. It also teaches them to recognise the significant risks and be able to give clean and precise signals to vehicles.

Shunter Training

This course provides drivers with training on techniques required to safely move heavy goods vehicles around a company's premises and other off-road parking areas (i.e. closed to the public). Delegates are taught best practice skills to ensure the safety of yard personnel and prevent damage to vehicles and property in the immediate vicinity.

Who should attend?
Shunting staff
Those responsible for raising and maintaining driving standards across a team of professional drivers

Benefits of attending
Improved awareness of risks unique to depot environments

Increased safety by understanding the correct coupling/uncoupling procedures


Crane Slinger and Signaller course will give you the skills you need to be safe and efficient at your job.

The course will cover:

  • Weight assessment
  • Lifting and moving loads
  • Awareness of site operations, pedestrians, hazards and weather conditions
  • Completion of pre-use inspection
  • Identifying correct equipment and accessories for slinging
  • Correct use of slinging equipment for operation
  • Correct slinging techniques
  • Attaching a load to a crane

Course Durations:
1 Day Existing Operator Refresher (up to 3 candidates maximum)
3 Day Novice Operator (for 1 candidate)
4 Day Novice Operator (for 2 candidates)