ADR training is typically broken up into modules (see below for more information regarding modules) and your choices will depend on the type of job you do or want to do and what hazardous materials you will be transporting.
At the end of the training, you will have to successfully complete an examination set and marked by the Scottish Qualifications Authority covering the modules and classes you require.
The exams are in multiple choice format and you will need to get a pass of 70%. If you do fail a module then you will only be required to resit that one and not repeat all of them.
This is a one day course designed for people whose work involves handling, shipping or transporting dangerous goods. The course is based around looking at the regulations and the nature of the dangers with chemical substances. Also looking at the packaging, labelling and documenting those substances, as well as loading, transporting and security around dangerous goods.
This course covers:
Full initial courses for only the 'packages' course take around 3.5 days and, if you incorporate the Tanks Module then you are looking at a total of 5 days.
If you are looking to carry only one class of dangerous goods, e.g. a petrol tanker driver, then it may be possible to trim down the training time so you are only taught the Core and Packages/Tanks modules along with the class you require.
You can either take all these modules or you can pick which ones you require, and you will learn: